Library and Archives Canada, 2025
ISBN: 978-1-0688715-0-4
JOISS e-book publishing rights for this title is authorized by its author and his main publisher, WAALM Publications, UK & Canada. All the publishing rights and derivatives are reserved and are at the discretion of the author to assign or withdraw.
8.88 $
The qualitative dissertation analyzes the relationship between an individual’s neurobiological systems and cultural surroundings. Therefore, through the study, we understand that neurobiological systems can affect how individuals react to each other and how they impact social and cultural affairs. Neurobiology, in understanding cultural relations, also brings out different social issues such as mental health, prejudices, and people’s learning patterns. Traditional neuroscience frequently ignores the cultural heterogeneity in brain processes, which results in a restricted knowledge of human cognition and behavior, which makes this study crucial. To provide a more comprehensive knowledge of human interactions and the underlying neurological mechanisms, this qualitative, investigative research will examine the link between neurobiological systems and cultural environments.
Knowing how neuroscience and culture interact, can help explain how people respond to one another in various social settings. Therefore, this study highlights the profound influence of cultural settings on both emotional and cognitive functions. The emotional impact of cultural engagement is evident in the way participants in this study use cultural tools, such as music or movies, to navigate their emotions, manage stress, and derive happiness.
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